Study Abroad in India – List of Top and Affordable Medical and Engineering Colleges in India

This is a complete guide to studying abroad in India at its top and affordable medical and engineering schools, as well as top Indian universities; find out the cost of living and how to apply for a student visa and admission.

Asia has been steadily gaining recognition in its education system in recent times. The desire can be achieved by international students who wish to study in any Asian country.

This article on studying in India should be read by international students from English-speaking countries wishing to study in English in any Asian country. India is a South Asian republic. The largest town is Mumbai.

  • Official Languages‎: ‎Hindi; English
  • Currency: Indian rupee (₹) (INR)
  • Calling code: +91

India, apart from that, India has significantly enhanced its education; seeing the medical school in New Delhi obviously recognized as one of the very best in the world. India is renowned for quality health care facilities.

Study Programs in India

With students from all over the world studying abroad, India is seriously becoming famous. Due to its forward thinking, its success with large multinational corporations, and also due to English being the common communication language, it is highly attractive.

Higher Education in India

After passing higher secondary education or the 12th grade, higher education in India begins. It can take three to five years to obtain your degree in India, depending on what you study. Generally, postgraduate courses are two to three years long. There is the possibility of continuing with doctoral studies and study at various educational institutes after completing a postgraduate degree.

As the number of universities is small in comparison to the large number of applicants, universities work with affiliated universities. Under the name of the affiliate institution, they offer education and issue degrees. The Indian higher education system comprises around 20,000 schools, 42 central universities, 275 state universities, 130 universities and 93 institutes of national significance.

Why Study in India? Low Cost of Living and Good Economy

Particularly compared to other top countries, a study in India is relatively affordable. The medium of English is also a consideration to be addressed as the obstacle to language and adaptability is resolved. The Indian economy is doing pretty much all right. This will encourage foreign investors to stay put. With the foray of a range of multi-national companies such as General Motors, Ford, Suzuki, Hyundai, Coco Cola, etc., India has therefore emerged as a leading global manufacturing hub.

The current scenario shows that the performance of beverages and tobacco, cotton textiles, textile goods, the basic metal and alloy industries, non-metallic minerals, transport equipment and other manufacturing industries have improved significantly.

Global players have benefited from their activities in India and have made expansion plans for the region, such as Daimler Chrysler, General Motors, Ford, LG Electronics, Samsung, Sony, Amway, Tupperware, Pepsico, McDonald’s, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Aviva, Nortel, Nokia, among others.

Financial Assistance

For studying in India today, numerous scholarships, education loans and other financial aids are available.

List of Cheap Universities in India

  • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  • Anna University, Chennai
  • University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
  • Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  • University of Delhi, New Delhi
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
  • Savitribai Phule Pune University
  • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Important notes: In India, there are quite a large number of educational institutions that can compete with the world’s best educational institutions. The National Law School of India University, for example, is highly regarded, with some of its students being awarded Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships; and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is consistently ranked as the country’s top medical school. The top management institutes in India are the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). These days, Indian Technical Education is very high and there are several thousand colleges that provide technical education in India.

How to apply for a program in India?

All over the world, numerous courses for international students are offered. From medical and engineering courses to applied arts courses at most universities, foreign learners can apply for anything. Some seats for foreign students and students from other developing nations have been reserved by the government through which international students can get admission.

Contact the Indian High Commission based in your home country for more information related to these admissions. International students are expected to bring with them the requisite documentation for entry to India, such as letters of admission, passports, residence permits, etc. The residential permit may be used by international students after registering at the Foreigner’s Registration Office (F.R.O) within seven days of arrival.

List of Top and Low Cost Medical Colleges in India

All important steps of studying medicine in India are taking the medical entrance exam, selecting the right course or being enrolled in a proper institute for studying medicine. The names of some of the country’s leading medical institutions are listed below.

  • All India Institute of medical Science (AIIMS)
  • St John’s Medical College Hospital
  • Maharashtra University of Health Science
  • Christian Medical College and Hospital
  • Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
  • All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore
  • Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi
  • All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
  • Regional Leprosy Training and Research Institutes

Affordable Engineering Colleges in India Listed Here

India is also a wonderful place to obtain an engineering degree. Select any of these institutions to study Engineering in India.

Indian Institutes of Technology

  • National Institute of Technology
  • Birla Institute of Technology Science, Pilani, Rajasthan
  • Bhabha Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Haldia Institute of Technology
  • Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Regional Engineering Colleges

  • School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
  • Vellore Engineering College
  • IT-BHU, Varanasi
  • National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA), Pune
  • Bengal Engineering College

Students Accommodation in India

School hostel accommodation is usually served on a first-come basis. After being accepted to their preferred course or university, foreign students may also book their accommodation.

Accommodation is inexpensive at Indian universities. Depending on the university and the area, living costs vary from place to location.

Can I Work and Study Abroad in India?

Along with their studies, students often have the choice of working part time. The available part time positions are the same as in other countries.

Indian Student Visa

For the study duration, foreign students studying in India are granted a multiple-entry visa. For a one year visa, US people can expect to pay $108. For a one year visa, EU people pay $88. To receive a student visa, students admitted to study at an Indian institution need to have a letter from their host institution. It is necessary to remember that if you are applying for a tourist visa, the duration of the visa starts from the day it is issued, not from the date of entry to India.

A three-month provisional visa is required for students not yet admitted to a school in India. In this situation, in order to receive a provisional visa, a letter from the host institution stating that the student has applied is required.

It is necessary to note that, prior to arrival in the country, Indian visas must be obtained. Without displaying one, Airlines won’t let you check in.

Visa Requirements

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 more months and contain at least two blank pages, including a visa tab, in addition to the fees mentioned above. Further, you need to submit;

  • two passport-size photographs
  • completed visa application form
  • letter from your host institution indicating that you have been admitted (or, in the case of the provisional visa, that you have applied)
  • proof of financial support adequate to cover your tuition and stay in India

India Visa Insurance Requirements

To receive a student visa, the Indian government does not require evidence of health insurance. While India does not have insurance requirements, it is still strongly recommended that you buy insurance before going to India. Due to the many dangers that travel can carry, Indian insurance for international students is a good idea.

If you happen to get hit by a rickshaw or attacked by a cow, you want to make sure it’s secured for you! Even if India does not have formal insurance requirements, travelers in India face ample possible health risks to make it a clever idea.

The US State Department suggests that insurance be given that provides coverage for medical evacuation. Ensure that evacuation covers the Indian insurance for international students you purchase. You want the evacuation (which can also be more expensive than the medical treatment itself) protected if an accident happens in a rural area.

As well as your personal circumstances and choices, your insurance requirements for India are decided by how long you will be studying in India. It’s important to find a package that will protect you for the full period of your time there as you check your insurance options in India. Even without the official requirements for Indian visa insurance, you want to make sure you are covered just in case!


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About Unwana Akpan

The author is a google certified online publisher and marketer, great researcher, writer and a graduate of Applied Chemistry; she writes blog articles & manage blogs too. Our passion at Study Eagles is helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities.

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