Study in Spanish in Venezuela; Cheap Universities in Venezuela with Tuition Fees

Last Updated on November 23, 2022 by Unwana Akpan

Study in Spanish in Venezuela; we will look at the full list of cheap universities in Venezuela that are best for foreign students from Spanish-speaking countries and those who want to study in Venezuela in Spanish language; the range of tuition fees for all available programs, the cost of living as a student in Venezuela and most importantly, the conditions for admission.

About Venezuela

Located on the northern end of South America, Venezuela, also called the gateway to the Caribbean islands south of Florida, has most of its universities rated in the Latin American region in the top university rankings. It is a good destination for students studying abroad who want to learn the Spanish language abroad.

The highest ranked institution in Venezuela is the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). It is ranked 33rd in the whole of Latin America, up from 52nd in 2011. Simon Bolivar University, which is its rival, is a close second with the 35th highest rating.

Student visa to study in Venezuela

A Venezuelan Student Visa is certainly required for international students wishing to pursue studies in the country. By submitting a student visa application to your nearest Consulate or Embassy, this can easily be accomplished. To find out what documents are needed, please kindly visit their website.

Tuition Fees and Cost of living

The Venezuelan currency is Bolivar Fuertes (BSF), and one BSF is equal to about 16 US cents. We may remember from this percentage that living in Venezuela is very affordable for foreigners.

You may be interested in learning that many universities in Venezuela help foreign students to migrate to Venezuela while they are in their home country.

They help provide transportation to and from the airport, as well as student accommodation information. For more information on this, please contact the university directly.

For undergraduate students, the latest average expense of one year is $29,253 and $33,790 for graduate students. These figures will also cover your living expenses, such as food, book purchases, etc.

List of Cheap Universities in Venezuela for International Students to Study in Spanish

Public Universities in Venezuela

  • Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela
  • Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
  • Universidad de Carabobo
  • Universidad Indígena de Venezuela
  • Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana
  • Universidad de Los Andes
  • Universidad de Los Llanos Centrales Rómulo Gallegos
  • Universidad de Los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora
  • Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
  • Universidad Nacional Experimental de Yaracuy
  • Universidad del Zulia
  • Universidad de Oriente
  • Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda
  • Universidad Marítima del Caribe
  • Universidad Nacional Abierta
  • Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador
  • Universidad Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre
  • Universidad Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional
  • Universidad Rafael María Baralt
  • Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Universidad Simón Rodríguez
  • Universidad Sur del Lago Jesús María Semprum

Private Universities in Venezuela

  • Instituto Universitario Politécnico “Santiago Mariño”
  • Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
  • Universidad Alonso de Ojeda
  • Universidad Arturo Michelena
  • Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua
  • Universidad Rafael Urdaneta
  • Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
  • Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta
  • Universidad Católica del Táchira
  • Universidad Católica Santa Rosa
  • Universidad de Margarita
  • Universidad Dr. José Gregorio Hernández
  • Universidad Fermín Toro
  • Universidad José Antonio Páez
  • Universidad José María Vargas
  • Universidad Metropolitana
  • Universidad Monteávila
  • Universidad Nororiental Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho
  • Universidad Nueva Esparta
  • Universidad Panamericana del Puerto
  • Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin
  • Universidad Santa María
  • Universidad Tecnológica del Centro
  • Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Universidad Yacambú

Requirements and How to Apply

I kindly advise you to check these out with any university in which you may want to research your course, thank you.

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