Popular Free Online Courses For Teenagers

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Unwana Akpan

Study Eagles is offering you free online courses for 13 year olds to 16 year olds teenagers to help them keep their minds sharp while also assisting them in getting through high school and deciding what they want to pursue in college or university.

Top lecturers and teachers from different universities around the world offer these free online courses for teenagers. These colleges recognize the importance of a teenager’s education because it is the path to a brighter future.

Readers should be aware that this article is intended not just for teens, but also for parents and other adults, as it will provide them with information on online courses that they can now pass on to their younger siblings, or to their children if they are parents.

As a parent or older sibling, if you come across free online courses for teenagers, you can pass it on to your younger siblings and serve as their guide in their education. After all, who else but you, as an older sibling or parent, would know about such things?

These teens are the world’s future, and there is no better way to prepare them for it than by education. Teenagers’ potentials can be discovered, groomed, and transformed into something significant that can contribute positively to society in some way if they are properly educated.

Free Online Courses For Teenagers

Modern-day teens are fortunate in that they have access to a variety of technology that make learning simpler and smarter. But, teaching them how to use these technologies properly is also crucial because they have drawbacks that can jeopardize their smart learning.

They could learn anything they wanted using a smartphone and a secure internet connection; the search engine is always there to provide them with the information they require; they could also learn using other media outlets such as television, social media, and so on.

Technology has made learning both simple and smart, and it is this same technology that is still being used to design and create online learning platforms where you can literally learn any course you want without any hassle.

You may be working but want to get a quick accelerated online bachelor’s degree or a Stanford online master’s degree; indeed, these degrees can be studied and obtained online.

It might also be of interest to you to know that many of the prestigious Ivy League institutions you are familiar with offer free online courses, which you should investigate so you can get ahead of your peers and be proficient in major academic courses.

In addition, I will mention 21 free online courses for teenagers in this article that will provide you with awesome skills and knowledge, as well as the learned knowledge will look good on your college applications and give you a leg up on your peers.

What are the benefits of online courses for teenagers?

These free online courses for adolescents will assist them in preparing for university or college, as well as assisting them in becoming independent learners and capable of taking on responsibilities.

Unlike conventional education, online courses are flexible, allowing you to choose when and how you want to learn.

Online courses are just as quick to complete; you could finish one in a month, if not less, and gain the same skills and experience that a traditional student would gain in a year.

As a result, you’ll have more time to continue studying, and you’ll be able to take five or more online courses in a year.

Taking an online class as a teenager will easily introduce you to technology and reduce the burden of learning; you won’t have to go to school every day; instead, you can learn anything you want from the comfort of your own home using your computer and an internet connection.

Another great benefit of free online courses for teens is that you can take them while still in high school; you can go to your normal school and study there while still continuing to learn online. Isn’t it incredible?

Are there free online courses for teenagers?

There are several free online courses for teenagers to learn, which is the focus of this post, and I’ve compiled a list of 21 of them for you to choose from and begin learning for free.

You can also choose to read as much as you want or as few as you want, and you would not have to pay to learn because they are all free.

Free Online Courses For Teenagers

The 21 free online courses for 13 year olds to 19 year olds I’ve reviewed are for teenagers and they include;


1 Teaching Programming to Young Learners

Teachers, parents, and older siblings can use this free online course for adolescents to inspire them to learn programming and coding at a young age. You, as the older person, will learn it and then teach it to teens, giving them programming and coding skills and training them for a future in the digital world.

2 Food as Medicine

This is a free online course for adolescents where they can learn about the idea of food as medicine, the role of food in the prevention of certain diseases, and what foods to eat while sick to improve their health. They would also be able to comprehend the role of food nutrients in human health.

3 Climate Change

Everyone is responsible for saving the environment, including adolescents. Teenagers, in particular, must understand how climate change impacts the world and how to prevent it because they are the planet’s future. By learning science, they will be able to protect the planet through this free online course for teenagers.

4 Essentials of Global Health

This free online course for adolescents introduces them to environmental health and teaches them how to avoid illnesses, care for the sick, and discuss major health issues. Teens who enroll in this course will learn the value of staying healthy, which may lead to a future in the health field.

5 Computer Architecture

This course teaches interested teenagers the intricate nature of computers and all of their internal functionality. Computers are the future, and who better to learn and be trained with the skills than teenagers. This free online course for teenagers will introduce them to the modern world and train them for their future in it.

6 Injury Prevention for Children and Teens

This free online course for adolescents is intended for students, parents, and guardians to teach their children important lessons about how to avoid accidents of some sort that could put their lives in danger.

7 Teaching Kids About Data

Data is the process of everything we do in the modern world going up and down. This course introduces kids to the digital world, the value of data, and the critical role it plays.

8 Science of Exercise

Exercise is beneficial to the body and mind at any age; this free online course for adolescents teaches the value of exercise and the psychological and physical effects it has on the human body.

9 Introduction to Music Theory

If you are a teenager who enjoys music, or have you found that your child has musical abilities as a parent? Then this free online course for adolescents is ideal for him or her to begin studying and practicing music theory. Students can learn about basic harmony, pitch, rhythm, chords, scales, keys, and more in this online class.

10 Big History: Connecting Knowledge

Teenagers, too, ought to learn about the earth’s origins, what it was like billions of years ago, and other topics related to the universe. This free online course for teenagers will teach them all of these histories while taking them on a journey through our world’s discoveries.

11 Guitar for Beginners

Teenagers can learn to play an acoustic or electric guitar using basic music theory by taking this free online course. It teaches teenagers how to be a guitarist in a simple and straightforward manner, allowing them to begin their musical journey.

12 Introduction to Philosophy

Are you familiar with the term “philosophy”? Do you know that there are various types of philosophy, such as mind philosophy, science philosophy, moral philosophy, and political philosophy, all of which are important in better understanding our daily lives? Begin your philosophical journey by taking this free online course for teens and gaining all of the fundamental philosophical experiences you can.

13 Fashion as Design

Being a fashion designer necessitates a great deal of imagination, and if you have such abilities as a teenager, you should consider pursuing this career path; it is lucrative and continues to flourish, and gaining experience at a young age can only benefit you as you grow older and establish a name for yourself in the industry.

14 Epidemics, Pandemics and Outbreaks

The world’s recent pandemic outbreak has shown that everyone, especially adolescents, needs to be educated on how to deal with an epidemic or pandemic, as well as learn the facts about infectious diseases, medical responses, and quarantine laws. This free online course for adolescents will go a long way toward protecting them from potentially fatal infections.

15 Chemistry

This free online course for teenagers is taught by top University of Kentucky lecturers and covers topics in advanced high school chemistry, including atomic structure, compounds, reactions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and other topics that will help you pass high school chemistry with flying colors.

16 Introduction to Calculus

Start your calculus journey with this free online course for teenagers that teaches the fundamentals and theoretical applications of calculus in science, engineering, and mathematics.

17 Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 – Functions

It is best to delve into this after you have completed the introductory calculus to obtain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, calculus.

18 Calculus: Single Variable Part 3 – Integration

The fundamental theorem of integral calculus, integrating differential equations, and any other integration technique related to calculus are all covered in this section of calculus. Advanced calculus skills are acquired at this stage.

19 How to Apply to College

How to apply to College free online course for teenagers teaches them how to search for and apply to colleges, as well as how to prepare the requisite documents and write-ups, such as essays, for college applications.

20 Applying to U.S. Universities

Since there is no uniform application framework in the United States, the university application process can be confusing. This free online course for teenagers is intended to alleviate this uncertainty by offering practical information about the documents and pieces required for a university application in the United States. This course will put an end to your days of perplexity.

21 An Introduction to Physics

Introduction to Physics free online course for teenagers is taught by a top University of Virginia physics professor and introduces interested students to physics in the form of everyday things.

22 The Science of Solar System

If you like what you see when you look up at the night sky and want to learn more about it, this free online course for teenagers uses concepts from physics, biology, chemistry, and geology to explain our solar system and expose the mysteries for you.

23 Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space

Astronomy is a fascinating discipline, and teenagers are encouraged to enroll in the course so that they can get a head start on the topic. If you keep up with these free online courses for teenagers, you’ll stay up to date on the latest astronomical observations, which will enhance your astronomical knowledge.

24 Writing in English at University

If you want to go to university, you should take this course because it will help you improve your English speaking and writing skills, which will benefit you both academically and professionally. Speaking and writing English correctly will open a lot of doors for you.

25 Animal Behaviour and Welfare

The free online course for adolescents focuses on animal behavior and the difficulty of accessing animals’ emotions. During the course of this online course, you can learn how to care for pets and develop basic veterinary skills.

26 Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology

While dinosaurs went extinct thousands of years ago, studies are still being conducted on them to learn more about them while they were alive, and you can be a part of this research by enrolling in these free online courses for teenagers.

27 Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation

Teens learn about ecology and ecosystem dynamics, what they mean, and what role humans play in the subject in this free online course.

This marks the end of the free online courses for adolescents, which will aid in the development of their critical thinking skills and increase their awareness by offering answers to questions they have always had.

Parents, grandparents, and older siblings should also direct their children through their online learning because it will have a significant impact on their future and probably their careers.

for complete links to all the reviewed courses above, follow here.

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