Study Abroad in Japan in English, Cheap Universities in Japan for International Students

Study abroad in Japan in English as an international; list and review of cheap universities in Japan for international students; tuition fees, study visa to Japan, health insurance, study in Japan scholarships, cost of living in Japan etc are the information you will find here.

Japan Universities charge very low tuition fees but still offer a lot of study in Japan scholarships for foreign nationals. If you want to settle in Japan, be sure to study the language for at leas 6 months before commencing your main program. This will help you interact with the people you are dealing with as not all of them can speak English language. Universities and colleges in Japan only offer a few programs completely in English language, just find out from your school of choice if your program is among.

Tuition Fees – Study in Japan Cost

Studying abroad in Japan attracts tuition fee but it is very affordable compared to many countries in North America. Tuition fee is estimated to be from 5,000 USD to 8,000 USD annually. Confirm specific course tuition from your school of choice.

Study Abroad in Japan in English – Cost of Living in Japan

Have you heard of the Japanese Yen, it is one of the most popular currencies traded in different financial markets worldwide. It is of great value; if you set aside ¥100,000, it will take you for a month. This covers all your expenses ranging from accommodation yo transportation and other important bills. Minor cities can be less expensive.

How to Apply for Admission to Study Abroad in Japan

If you feel you need help with application, you can contact a study abroad consultant; the agency will apply for admission for you but you will be charged a token. If you can handle it, find out how to go about study abroad admission processing in this article. It is a perfect guide.

You will write an admission screening test; this will include mathematics, sciences and current affairs, especially when applying to public institutions. Just find out from your chosen school if they subscribe to this. The test is called Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU).

Student Visa to Study Abroad in Japan

If you want to study Japanese language for 3 months, you do not need a visa, just find out more from the link below how possible this can be and how to go about it. Learn about visa free entry to Japan.

Any study beyond 3 months in Japan would require a study visa. Just gain admission first, then you will be guided on how to process study visa to study abroad in Japan. When you apply early for admission, let’s DA 6 months to the start of your program, the school will send a certificate of eligibility a month to start of your study in Japan. This is what you will use and finalize arrangement for a study visa at the Japanese embassy in your country.  Study visa requirements will be needed by your school and embassy.

Scholarships for Studying in Japan

There are so many students in Japan scholarships for international students, ranging from government scholarships to the ones offered by individual institutions. Aside from that, many scholarships are available worldwide for international students wishing to study abroad in any country.

Study at Cheap Universities in Japan – Health Insurance

Well, you have to get really prepared to study abroad in Japan; one of the important preparation you have to make is securing a license to get medical attention anytime you fall ill or have accident or even get involved with a court case. Just research on available health insurance policies for studying in Japan and choose a plan most convenient.

Applying for a study visa can take care of 70% of your health insurance while you get the remaining 30% coverage from your school or elsewhere. Like I said before, choose the one that offers most benefit.

List of Cheap Universities and Colleges in Japan for International Students to Study at

  • Asahikawa Medical University
  • Aichi Gakuin University
  • Akita Prefectural University
  • Aoyama Gakuin University
  • Aichi University
  • Akita International University
  • Other Universities:
  • Aichi Bunkyo University
  • Aichi Bunkyo Women’s College
  • Aichi Gakuin University
  • Aichi Institute of Technology
  • Aichi Kiwami College of Nursing
  • Aichi Konan College
  • Aichi Medical University
  • Aichi Mizuho Junior College
  • Aichi Prefectural College of Nursing & Health
  • Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music
  • Aichi Shinshiro Otani University
  • Aichi Toho University
  • Aichi University
  • Aichi University of Education
  • Chūbu University
  • Chukyo University
  • Daido Institute of Technology
  • Doho University
  • Fujita Health University
  • Fujita Health University College
  • †Ichinomiya Women’s Junior College
  • Japan Red Cross Aichi Junior College of Nursing
  • Junior College Aichi Gakuin University
  • Kinjo Gakuin University
  • Kinjo University
  • Meijo University
  • Nagoya Bunri College
  • Nagoya City University
  • Nagoya College
  • Nagoya College of Music
  • Nagoya Future Culture College
  • Nagoya Gakuin University
  • Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Nagoya Keizai University
  • Nagoya Management Junior College
  • Nagoya Sangyo University
  • Nagoya University
  • Nagoya University of Arts
  • Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences
  • Nagoya University of Commerce & Business
  • Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
  • †Nagoya Women’s University
  • Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design
  • Nanzan Junior College
  • Nanzan University
  • Nihon Fukushi University
  • Ohka Gakuen College
  • Okazaki Women’s Junior College
  • Sanyo Women’s College
  • Shigabunka College
  • Shubun University
  • St. Mary’s College, Nagoya
  • Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Junior College
  • Tōkaigakuen Women’s College
  • Toyohashi University of Technology
  • Toyota Technological Institute

Study Abroad in Japan in English – Review of Cheap Universities in Japan for International Students

1. University of Tsukuba

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 356,400 JPY-535,800 JPY ($3,383 USD-$5,086)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 535,800 JPY-817,800 JPY ($5,086 USD-$7,762)

In comparison to universities specializing in specific sciences, the University of Tsukuba, in cooperation with educational and research organizations, wants to specialize in general and applied sciences. The university wanted to concentrate on reliving and exchanging Japanese culture with all of its students in order to try to contribute to cultural society as much as possible. This is the reason why the university provides students with a generalized degree to enjoy and absorb Japan’s culture. The University of Tsukuba is considered one of the cheap universities in Japan for international students, with a tuition fee of about $4,500.

2. Tokyo Institute of Technology

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 535,800 JPY-635,400 JPY ($5,076 USD-$6,020)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 535,800 JPY-665,400 JPY ($5,076 USD-$6,302)

As the top national university for science and technology, the role of the Tokyo Institute of Technology in their country is vital to their economic, manufacturing, and power growth and progress. This is why the university is searching for human assets to help it fulfill its position in society.

More than 1,700 foreign students are currently enrolled at the university, and they expect to admit more international students willing to be part of their science and technology study and studies. Enroll at the Tokyo Institute of Technology if you are a curious and adventurous student who wants to make discoveries and prove theories.

3. The University of Tokyo

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 535,800 JPY-817,800 JPY ($5,076 USD-$7,748)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 520,800 JPY-1,086,000 JPY ($4,934 USD-$10,287)

Japan has been recognized for its dominance in educational and science excellence, and the University of Tokyo is one proof of this. In Japan, this inexpensive university focuses on and actively participates with other countries in research activities. This was translated into a program and with its neighboring countries such as China, South Korea, and other ASEAN nations, the researcher exchange program was created.

Out of a total of 28,599 students, more than 4,267 foreign students currently reside at the university, concentrating on various fields of study. In addition to being situated inside the capital of Japan, many laboratories and modern facilities are also open to all University of Tokyo students.

4. Hokkaido University

Undergraduate program tuition fee: 535,800 JPY ($5,076 USD)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 535,800 JPY-804,000 JPY ($5,076 USD-$7,614)

As the leading university supporting science and education for the realization of a sustainable society, for the next decade, Hokkaido University has been running many projects addressing global issues. This is the key reason why the University of Hokkaido started working with countries with the same goal as them. They have won agreements from countries like Russia and other ASEAN countries through these ventures.

More than 2200 international students are currently enrolled at the university and they plan to broaden this to cater to more international students who are interested in environmental sustainability.

5. Ritsumeikan University

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 631,900 JPY-1,766,200 JPY ($5,994 USD-$16,752)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 1,350,000 JPY-2,500,000 JPY ($12,804 USD-$23,707)

Ritsumeikan University, a university with three main campuses located in Kyoto, Shiga, and Osaka, is next on our list of the cheapest universities in Japan. Each campus is different from the other and focuses on certain specializations, so check each of their websites and select the campus that fits the program you want to enroll.

These three separate campuses have helped to expand the scope of their university’s name to students across the globe who wanted Ritsumeikan to pursue an education. As of now, more than 2400 foreign students have been admitted by the campus and 12 full-English focused programs have been tailored for these wonderful students.

6. Hiroshima University

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 834,800 JPY ($7,886 USD)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 847,800 JPY ($8,007 USD)
Connection Undergraduate Tuition Fee

Hiroshima University is among the cheap universities in Japan for international students to commit to the global society’s long-term plans or vision for the implementation of SPLENDOR (Sustainable Peace Leader Enhancement through Nurturing Research Development). The goal of this vision is to change the universities’ climate and values so that they can achieve sustainable development by meeting the needs of all their students, including international students. There are currently over 2100 foreign students enrolled at the university, most of whom are in the research sector.

7. Kobe University

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 834,800 JPY ($7,886 USD)

Graduate Program Tuition Fee: 847,800 JPY ($8,007 USD)

Studying at the University of Kobe offers you more than the education and experience you already earn in the corresponding fields. You are encouraged to have a voice at this university and to make improvements to the university system for the welfare of students. It is Japan’s most pro-student university as they heed the students’ calls for a shift and consider every element of their acts to have an effect on the students.

8. Waseda University

Undergraduate Program Tuition Fee: 871,000 JPY-1,446,000 JPY ($8,266 USD-$13,725)

Graduate Programs Tuition Fee: 2,934,000 JPY-3,152,000 JPY ($27,850 USD-$29,918)

Waseda University, which also has one of the most upgraded facilities, is the final nominee on our list of Japan Universities for international students that are very affordable. The proud properties of Waseda University are world-class laboratories and installations. Apart from offering good and high-quality education for their students, foreign or domestic, being a private university, well-maintained buildings, services, and even bathrooms would be their name.

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About Unwana Akpan

The author is a google certified online publisher and marketer, great researcher, writer and a graduate of Applied Chemistry; she writes blog articles & manage blogs too. Our passion at Study Eagles is helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities.

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