All Free Bible Reading Plan – Bible Study Plans in PDF

Download or print our complete free Bible reading plan in pdf; find out the best Bible study plans to choose, Bible Reading plans for beginners, topical Bible study plan etc. We advise you to choose a plan that suits your particular learning style and your study objectives as each one varies.


“Disciples of Christ abide in His Word,” R.C. Sproul said. The truth and freedom are known by those who stand in His Word.

We welcome you to look into Bible reading plan that will help you prioritize spending time in God’s Word as you make plans for the year. We hope that these reading plans will help you as you develop as a follower of Christ and spread the knowledge you are gaining to those in your life, whether you want to study the Bible cover to cover from Genesis to Revelation or concentrate on one book.

Benefits of a Bible Reading Plan

Having the option to select a plan that fits our present objectives or stage of life is one of the best advantages of a scripture reading schedule. There are plans that walk you chronologically through the Bible, others that cover the entire Bible in 90 days, and still others that are divided into 1 to 2 year plans. Although the majority of plans are scheduled for 7 days per week, I prefer a plan that is only scheduled for 5 days per week.

Reading plan encourage us to read Bible books we might not normally find enjoyable or challenging (eg; the Old Testament books). Many people skip through the Old Testament, unaware of the significance of those texts or the interconnections and equal importance of both parts of the Bible.

Dangers of a Bible Reading Plan

Although Bible reading plans are really helpful, it’s crucial that you don’t add another item to your to-do list by sticking to your schedule. Plans for reading are risky since they can;

  • Reading solely to complete it (guilty)
  • Hastily reading it without understanding anything
  • If you can’t keep up and fall behind, you could feel guilty or ashamed

These strategies are aimed to encourage and direct. What that looks like for you at this time in your life is entirely up to you.

Other Similar Topics to Explore on Study Eagles

The main objective should always be to increase your understanding and your connection with God, not to follow a certain plan to the letter. Any of these straightforward Bible reading regimens is ideal for you if you’ve ever wondered how to begin reading the Bible every day.

The 7 Best Bible Study Plan

The One Year Bible Online Reading Plan

The one year Bible online reading plans are for people who wish to read through God’s Word to learn the entire scope of his story. In order to receive the complete counsel of God’s Word, reading the entire Bible prevents us from skimming over particular chapters or books. Even though I spent my childhood studying the Bible, when I read it through for the first time, I came across parts and stories I had never heard of.

My favorite one-year plan is the Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible reading calendar since readings are spread out over four books each day rather than reading the Bible cover to cover (and getting bogged down in Leviticus or the Minor Prophets).

  • Daily readings from the Old and New Testaments
  • Twice a year, Psalms and the Gospel are read. Daily commitment: 20 to 25 minutes
  • Read it once a day or divide it into morning and evening sessions.

Chronological Bible Reading Plan

This is for readers who want to understand how the historical account and the psalms, wisdom books, and prophetic literature are related to one another. Paul’s letters to the churches are read chronologically in the New Testament alongside the story of Acts.

  • All of the Bible is read in one year
  • Twenty to twenty-five minutes every day
  • Use a Bible that is organized chronologically that is intended for this purpose

100 Days with Christ

The four gospels are covered chronologically by this reading plan. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to learn about the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is for readers who want to explore the gospels thoroughly while putting Jesus center stage. It’s a great study to complete starting on January 1 and building up to Easter, but it’s profoundly relevant all year long.

  • Brings together the distinctive details of the stories and parables that each of the four gospel writers presented
  • Twenty to twenty-five minutes every day

Gratitude Bible Reading Plan

Expository Bible reading, or verse-by-verse reading, should be combined with topical Bible study. Topical Bible reading plans are for readers who wish to delve deeply into what the Bible has to say on a certain topic. It could involve studying a word (lovingkindness), a group of people (the ladies mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy), or a topic (such as appreciation). This 30-day study on thankfulness is part of the Gratitude Bible reading plan and is meant to help you develop a daily attitude of thanks.

  • 5-minute commitment per day
  • 30-day in-and-out research

Daily Audio Bible

I enjoy listening to the soothing Bible reading on Daily Audio Bible on days when I need an extra push from God’s Word or haven’t had time for regular Bible study. This Bible reading is intended for folks who enjoy listening, whether it be while driving, working out, getting ready in the morning, or even during breakfast. The reading is taken directly from the Bible and includes verses from the Old and New Testaments, a psalm, and a proverb. If wanted, there is commentary and prayer after.

  • Available on any podcast app or on your computer
  • The software is accessible in a number of languages
  • The software offers versions for kids and teens

A Daily Proverb

Despite its apparent simplicity, this reading plan has a significant impact. Read one chapter of Proverbs’ 31 chapters every day of the month. Read Proverbs 1 on the first day of the month, Proverbs 2 on the second day, and so on. repeat each month. With Proverbs covering God’s wisdom for relationships, money, work, emotions, and more, this Bible study plan is excellent for families.

  • No digital or printable reading plan is required
  • Daily dedication of 5–20 minutes
  • To better understand the meaning of the proverbs, use contemporary translations

The Bible Project

A visual supplement or addition to your one-year Bible reading plan is the Bible project. With the exception of the prophetic books, which are divided into pre-, intra-, and post-exile sections, the reading schedule goes through every book of the Bible in order. This program offers free, must-see animated animations that introduce each Bible book’s main ideas, literary styles, word studies, and commentary. Get the reading plan here and the videos here.

Free Bible Study or Reading Plan for Beginners PDF

The Gospels are a good place for a novice to start while reading the Bible. Where someone starts is less important than simply starting. For beginners wishing to begin Bible reading or study, any of the given plans is ideal.

Choosing the finest Bible translation to read is equally crucial to choosing a reading schedule.

Simplified daily Bible study plan pdf – The Gospel in 90 Days

A fantastic location for a beginner to start reading the Bible is with The Gospel in 90 Days, a straightforward reading schedule. The first four books of the New Testament are referred to as the Gospel, or Good News (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). These four books explore Jesus’ life and work, which is the core of Christianity.

After finishing the Gospel, you can either go back to the beginning and start with Genesis or move on to any of the Epistles (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John and Jude).

The first book of the Bible, Genesis, takes us back in time to the beginning of creation and how sin entered this world, whereas the epistles (also known as letters) teach us how we should live our lives in a way that praises God. Either choice is the right one.

Genesis in 30 Days

Reading the first few chapters of the Bible at the start of the year is something unique. But even though the New Year is far spent, it’s not too late to begin reading Genesis. Another straightforward Bible reading plan is Genesis in 30 Days, which will take you to the very beginning when God created the heavens and the earth.

You will go on a historical journey to discover how sin entered the world and corrupted what God made. From Noah and his story until the beginning of God’s people, Israel, Genesis covers a lot of ground. Learn more about God and the origins of the universe to kick off the new year.

For new believers who aren’t convinced they can dedicate 90 days or 2 years to study the Bible, Genesis in 30 Days is a fantastic 30-day study plan!

2-Year Chronological Bible Reading Plan

This two-year chronological Bible reading plan is the perfect choice if you don’t mind committing and are seeking for a longer-term strategy.

Thankfully, there are specialized Bibles that have been chronologically reorganized to assist you in seeing the entire story. It’s crucial to realize that while God inspired the words of the Bible, He did not inspire the sequence. Deeper exploration of the Bible’s order is excellent in Blue Letter Bible.

Is it preferable to read the Bible in order of events? Reading in chronological sequence has advantages and disadvantages. When you read in chronological sequence, for instance, you can see the wider picture or metanarrative, but you also spend a lot of time in the Old Testament. Both a chronological plan and a conventional plan have advantages, it’s true.

It can be challenging, but not impossible, to read through the Bible in a year, regardless of the sequence in which you read it. The busy mom, wife, and woman in general was considered when creating this two-year chronological Bible reading plan.

It is divided into 5 days every week to give you time to catch up. By having you read 4-5 different passages, it also eliminates a lot of the back and forth that some plans require you to do.

Complete Free Bible Reading Plan – Bible Study Plan in PDF

52-Week Bible Reading Plan

Every day of the week should be devoted to a different genre as you read through the Bible in a year; epistles, the law, history, Psalms, poetry, prophecy, and Gospels.

5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan

Spend a year reading the New Testament from Monday to Friday. The weekends are reserved for introspection and reading. especially helpful if you’re just starting out with a daily Bible reading regimen.

A Bible Reading Chart

Go at your own pace while you read the Bible. Use this simple but lovely chart to keep track of your reading throughout the year.

Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Follow the chronological order of the events as you read through the Bible.

The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

Starting with Genesis, Psalms, Matthew, and Acts, there are four readings each day.

The Discipleship Journal Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan

The Old Testament and the New Testament are each read twice a day. Before continuing, finish the full book in each testimony.

ESV Daily Bible Reading Plan

Four daily readings from four lists: Psalms and wisdom literature, Pentateuch and history of Israel, Chronicles and prophets, and Gospels and epistles.

ESV 6-Month New Testament Reading Plan

Spend six months reading the New Testament straight through, focusing on a small portion each day.

ESV A-Psalm-a-Day Reading Plan

With this chapter-a-day reading schedule, you may finish the book of Psalms in 150 days.

Every Word in the Bible

Chapters of the Bible should be read one at a time. Old and New Testament readings are alternated.

Historical Bible Reading Plan

The New Testament readings seek to reflect the order in which the books were written, while the Old Testament readings are arranged according to Israel’s Hebrew Bible.

An In-Depth Study of Matthew

Matthew’s Gospel will be studied for a full year as directed by Tabletalk magazine and R.C. Sproul.

Bible in a Year

With two readings every day—one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament—this schedule guides you through the entire Bible.

Available on the YouVersion app.

Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System

If you read ten chapters per day for a year, you’ll read the Old Testament history and prophetic books about one and a half times, the Pentateuch twice, Paul’s letters four to five times, the Old Testament wisdom literature six times, the Psalms at least twice, Proverbs and Acts twelve times, and the Gospels four times.

Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

Read the Old Testament once, the Psalms and the New Testament two times.

Straight-through-the-Bible Reading Plan

From Genesis to Revelation, read the Bible cover to cover.

Tabletalk Bible Reading Plan

Every day, there are two readings; one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. The Ligonier app lets you use the Tabletalk reading plan as well.

The Legacy Reading Plan

There are no daily reading requirements in this plan. Instead, it has a set number of Psalms and Proverbs for each week, as well as set books for each month. It attempts to increase your versatility while firmly establishing you in particular Bible books.

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan

Read the Psalms and Proverbs four times as well as the Old and New Testaments once each.

Bible Reading Plan Generator

Still unable to find a strategy that suits you? Make one for you.

24 Free Bible Study and Reading Plans – All Aspects

Let’s start with some straightforward whole-Bible reading schedules before moving on to some more focused Bible study questions and topics.

The Whole Bible in 90 Days Plan

The YouVersion Bible app and are your best bets if you’re a Bible neophyte wondering “How do beginners learn the Bible for free?” For those who wish to quickly and thoroughly go through the entire Bible, such as new believers or those who have never studied the Bible before, this YouVersion 90-day schedule is fantastic!

365 Day Bible Reading Plan PDF

Want a thorough overview of the Bible that features daily readings from the Old and New Testaments that have been carefully chosen? You could benefit from using’s 365-day plan!

Two-Year, In Depth Bible Study Plan

Alternatively, you might use this longer-term cover-to-cover Bible reading plan from YouVersion. The seventh day of each seven-day week is set aside for relaxation and meditation.

3-Question Bible Studies

Now let’s move on to some more engaging and timely bible reading plans! These three-question study guides by Anne Graham-Lotz are excellent for both solitary and group study.

12-Month Topical Reading Plan (from Undoubted Grace)

Looking for solid free Bible study plan that covers a variety of topics each month and last the entire year?

12-Month Topical Reading Plan (from Kingdom Bloggers)

Additionally, there is this Bible reading plans from Kingdom Bloggers for a full year. You could follow two of these plans in one year or over several years because each of them has a unique selection of monthly themes.

SoJo Academy 1-hour Bible Study

All of our free Bible study plans up to this point have been lengthy (multi-week or year-long plans). However, this stand-alone Bible study from SoJo Society takes you through inductive Bible study methods in a single, hour-long session.

Joyce Meyer’s 3030 Challenge

Have you had trouble starting or maintaining a daily Bible study routine? If so, you must take on the 30-minute challenge every day for 30 days! Sign up for this challenge from renowned Christian author Joyce Meyer to receive advice, scriptures, videos, and more for Bible study. ideal for assisting you in forming a regular habit of studying God’s Word.

Armor of God Reading Plan with Printable

I adore the Garments of Splendor Armor of God Bible reading plan! It includes texts from Ephesians 6:14–17, meditation questions, prayers, and a handy printable list of all the armor pieces. This is the only adult Bible study lesson that I wanted to do for myself out of all the free ones that I found for this post.

Treasure Hunting the Bible: Study Worksheets

The following resource is more of a study method that you may use to any Scripture rather than a topical study. With helpful worksheets you may use to record your findings, Arabah Joy guides you through 20 things to search for in a Bible verse.

Embracing Grace Scripture Writing Plan

Looking for a lesson plan for a Bible study? I believe that both teens and adults would benefit greatly from taking a study like this one from Organic Christian Living’s Embracing Grace. It’s a 31-day schedule that includes Scriptures, journaling prompts, free printable art, and more! It has all the information you need to comprehend God’s grace and what it means for your relationship with Him.

Lamb of God Bible Study & Scripture Writing Journal

One of my personal favorite free Bible study strategies is this one. To get this lovely lamb of God Bible study and many other fantastic freebies, be sure to sign up for JoDitt’s FREE “Delight in the Word” club. JoDitt also sells a ton of excellent Bible studies, printables, and coloring books in her store.

Acts in 30 Days Bible Plan

Understanding Christianity, the Holy Spirit, and the early Christian church’s history all depend heavily on the book of Acts. Check out this strategy from Loving Christ Ministries if you’ve never read it or have had trouble understanding it. Each of these free printable Bible study lessons comes with a pdf that you can print out and use to think on the reading for that day.

30 Day Fruits of the Spirit Bible Reading Plan

Want to know more about the characteristics of the Holy Spirit? Check out this study plan from The Holy Mess, which also contains some awesome free printables.

Bible Journaling Challenge 4-Week Series

This four-week email series (from yours truly) on Bible journaling is a terrific place to start if you’ve never heard of it but are interested in learning more. Find out more about what materials to use, how art journals can aid in Bible study, and more.

7 Days to More Christ-Like Character Study

This study of Psalm 15 from Faithfully Planted is the following in this series of free adult Bible study sessions. With a message, a prayer, and questions to help you ponder, each day explores a different aspect of godly character.

Worthy of the Calling; 31-Day Study of Ephesians

Are you on a tight schedule? If so, you’ll adore this collection of quick adult Bible study sessions on the book of Ephesians! Every day only takes 15 minutes!

21 Days to Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman Devotional

Check out this Proverbs 31 woman study from Ministry Minded Mom whether you’re a wife or mother. The devotional is available as a handy pdf file, and it includes brief daily lectures as well as doable daily actions you may use to put the teachings into practice.

30 Days of Knowing My Identity in Christ Bible Plan

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s simple to let what the world has to say about me override what the Bible has to say. We need a study like this one from the Holy Mess during those moments to help us remember who we are in Christ.

Colossians Bible Study – Complete in Christ

Megan Allen Ministries has created a fantastic free 30-day Colossians study that includes journaling and coloring pages.

All God’s Women Bible Study Podcast

Do you want some excellent, totally free Bible study plans that concentrate on biblical women? Check out Sharon Wilharm’s fantastic podcast! BONUS: Because each episode lasts only around 10 minutes, you can easily include one in your daily Bible study session.

Encouragement in the Trenches of Motherhood Bible Study

Moms, call to action! Check out this awesome study from Mama Reflections, which features a Bible reading schedule, journaling pages, and lots of other fantastic resources.

Ladies Drawing Nigh 15-Minute Studies

Check out these succinct free Bible study plan from Ladies Drawing Near. You can choose from a number of Old and New Testament book studies, and with only 15 minutes per study, you can easily fit it into your day.

Through the Word; Revelation Explained

I wanted to include a Revelation lesson to round up these free adult Bible study classes. Revelation is the most difficult book to understand, in my opinion, simply because of its prophetic content and extensive symbolism. And as a result, I put off reading it for a very long time! Up until I came across this Through the Word program called Revelation Explained. The various components of this study—a total of seven—may be found on the YouVersion Bible app, or you can download the full program through the Through the Word app.

Topical Free Bible Reading Plan – Download App

  • 10 Days on Discipleship 5 Days on Spiritual Growth
  • 14 Days on Sin 10 Days on Wisdom
  • 10 Days on Worry 10 Days on Patience
  • 14 Kinds of Psalms 14 Days on Prophecy
  • 14 Days on Generosity 14 Days on Speech
  • 10 Days on Baptism 10 Days on Suffering
  • 14 Days on Doubt 7 Days on Fasting
  • 14 Days on Humility 14 Days on Justice
  • 14 Days on Glory 30 Days on Money
  • 14 Days on Work 14 Days on Pride
  • 6 Days on Light 10 Days on Truth
  • 14 Days on the Kingdom of God 14 Days on the Holy Spirit
  • 10 Days on Freedom 10 Days on Encouragement
  • 21 Days on Prayer 14 Days on Worship
  • 21 Days on Faith 30 Days on Marriage
  • 10 Days on the Second Coming 7 Days on Perseverance
  • 10 Days on Friendship 10 Days on Guilt
  • 7 Days on Forgiveness 14 Days on the Poor
  • 21 Days on Government & Citizenship 14 Days on Hope
  • 14 Days on Holiness 10 Days on Hospitality
  • 14 Days on Grace 21 Days on Love
  • 10 Days on Lust 7 Days on Covenant
  • 14 Days on Grief

How to get these Bible reading plans

It’s the right moment to start a new study right now, and you can get going right away. Simply download the free Logos Bible app, which is accessible on any device.

The Faithlife Study Bible is one of the many free resources included with Logos Basic, along with a host of other useful tools for studying the Bible.

The Bible Word Study tool is one of the most wonderful built-in tools you’ll find. It just takes a few touches to see what a word means, how it is translated in other passages of Scripture, and where it appears in other places of the Bible, whether you are reading from the mobile app, web, or desktop. Here is how Mark Ward conducted a word study on love in the Bible.

How to start a new plan from the Logos mobile app

  • Launch the Logos app.
  • In the bottom right corner, select the hamburger menu button (three lines stacked on top of one another), then select Books from the Library section.
  • Select the Bible translation by tapping it. (Logos Basic offers free access to translations like the Lexham English Bible, CSB, and KJV. If you prefer another translation, you may add it to your Logos library for a reasonable price—many other well-known Bible translations cost less than $10.)
  • Start a reading plan by tapping the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  • Select the desired plan from the Plan section.

Once you’ve done it, starting a plan only takes approximately three seconds. Additionally, you can use any book in your Logos library for this.

In Conclusion

There you have it on the topic complete free Bible reading plan – Bible study plans in pdf, feel free to link to us and share our article on your social media handles. You can explore other resources in this blog.

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About Unwana Akpan

The author is a google certified online publisher and marketer, great researcher, writer and a graduate of Applied Chemistry; she writes blog articles & manage blogs too. Our passion at Study Eagles is helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities.

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