Study Abroad in Romania – Cheap Universities with Tuition Fees

Last Updated on March 7, 2022 by Unwana Akpan

Today, we will look at studying abroad in Romania with their low tuition universities, tuition fees, how to apply and academic requirements.

About the Country

Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, is a South-East European republic.

There are several fortified churches and palaces, especially the Castle of Bran cliffs, which have been linked long with the Dracula legend. Sighisoara is made up of preserved medieval cities. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the enormous, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.

How to Apply for Admission to Study Abroad in Romania

The student should be at least 17 years old to qualify for a thesis in Romania. It is also necessary to note that your applications must be submitted directly to the university of your choosing. When applying to Romanian universities, the documents you need are the following but are not limited to;

  • Diploma certificate (EU, EEA or Swiss applicants)
    For graduates; accredited copy of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • Certified copies of the certificate of graduation for postgraduate applicants
  • Certified copy of the academic record in the Romanian, French, English or German languages
  • Birth certificate authorized copy
  • A medical certificate stating that the nominee has no touch diseases and clarifying the health status of the applicant
  • Copy of passport certified
  • A statement indicating why he/she is interested to apply for the Bachelor’s degree (Baccalaureate Diploma)
  • certificate for language, except for applicants from countries in which language of instruction is the
  • official language (this certificate can be obtained from
  • the university after passing a test before enrolment)
  • Two new passports

Education in Romania – three cycles

Bachelor studies with length depending on the specialty;

  • 6 semesters (3 years) for sciences, humanities, social and economic, law, political science, fine arts and sport;
  • 8 semesters (4 years) for technological sciences, engineering, technical programs, agriculture and forestry;
  • 12 semesters (six years) for general medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and architecture.
  • University studies of master; 2 years.

Postgraduate/doctoral studies (PhD)

3-4 years, which can be arranged (with the exception of medical schools) as standard classes, reduced-frequency courses or online courses at universities or research institutes.

  • Higher education credentials are; degrees, certificates, diplomas and other state official records, special dietary qualifications, confirmation of the higher education program and technical diplomas.
  • Bachelor Degree (BA)
  • Masters Degree
  • Doctor’s Degree (PhD); This is the most important academic crown after 3-4 years of study and original research in all areas. The holder of second degree (masters) is awarded a doctor’s degree in some research or arts field.

Living Cost in Romania for International Students

The cost of living for students is so cheap in Romania, particularly when compared to other European countries. Depending on each foreign student’s lifestyle, the monthly amount will vary.

But an international student can live very comfortably with 300 to 500 EURO/ month and enjoy affordable university education in Romania.

A breakdown of student living costs in Romania are given below;

  • Student hostel; 650 Euro/month (3 person/room)
  • Private apartment; 150 – 300 Euro/month
  • Food; 150 – 200 Euros
  • Clothes; you must take in account that you need at least winter and summer clothes
  • Medical insurance; 10 Euro/ month (26 year or less students do not paid assures. It is include in their tuition fee)
  • Internet; 15 Euros
  • Transport; 40 Euros
  • Taxi; approximately 0.32 Euro/km
  • Sandwich; 2 Euro

Tuition Fees in Romanian Universities

In Romania, tuition fees vary from institution to institution. Depending on the faculty and the student’s home country, they are usually between €2,000 and €5,000 a year (US$2,500-6,300). Medicine at some Romanian universities may be slightly more costly, hitting around €7,000 a year (US$8,800).

Students who need a visa to study in Romania must pay one instalment of the tuition fee before applying for their visa per year. Fees may be charged in one, two or three instalments for students who do not need a Romanian student visa.

Application deadline for Schools in Romania

The deadline for applications could be extended to 30 August by the Ministry of Education and Research or by universities, but we strongly advise you to apply early. In this way, you will have more chances to be accepted and we will have ample time to pre-process your application form and documentation before sending them for consideration to the Ministry of Education and Research.

Effective late applicants can give rise to the late issuance of their letters of acceptance extending until the beginning of October.

There are two deadlines for post-graduate studies for the medical faculty; 30 November and 31 March. For PhD applicants, there is no deadline.

In Romania, international students who have begun studying in their home country or in another country may complete their studies via transfer.

Student Visa to Study Abroad in Romania

For them to study in Romania, students from countries within the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA), as well as from Canada, Japan, Croatia, US, Moldova, South Korea, Switzerland and Serbia do not need a visa. All else has to apply for a student visa before arriving in Romania.

In order to apply, you need a letter of acceptance to study at a university in Romania, from the Ministry of Education. Student visas have a processing period of up to two months. You need to extend your visa and obtain a residency permit after you arrive in the country. Reach out to the Romanian Office for Immigration within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and the Interior for more information.

Documents Required for Romanian Study Visa Processing

The following are documents needed to apply for a Romanian student visa;

  • Letter of approval from the Romanian Education Ministry
  • Proof of the payment of tuition fees for a year
  • Evidence of adequate financial assistance for the whole duration stated in the visa (approximately EUR 2.500/US$ 3.153)
  • Certificate of no criminal record or other document of the same legal significance
  • Health insurance policy for the entire visa validity period
  • Approval for study purposes by parents or foster parents with regards to your stay in Romanian territory, if you are a minor.

List of Cheap Universities and Colleges in Romania for International Students

Listed Public Universities and Colleges in Romania

  • University, Alba Iulia
  • Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău
  • Henri Coandă Air Force Academy
  • Transylvania University of Braşov
  • Polytechnic University of Bucharest
  • Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
  • Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism
  • University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
  • University of Bucharest
  • Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
  • National University of Music Bucharest
  • Bucharest National University of Arts
  • Caragiale University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography
  • National Academy of Physical Education and Sport
  • National School of Administration and Political Science of Bucharest
  • Technical Military Academy of Bucharest
  • Carol I National Defence University
  • National Academy of Intelligence
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy
  • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
  • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
  • Babeş-Bolyai University
  • Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Gheorghe Dima Music Academy
  • Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca
  • Ovidius University
  • Maritime University of Constanţa
  • Mircea cel Bătrân Naval Academy
  • University of Craiova
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
  • University of Galaţi
  • Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi
  • Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences
    and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
  • Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • George Enescu University of Arts of Iaşi
  • University of Oradea
  • University of Petroşani
  • University of Piteşti
  • Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti
  • Eftimie Murgu University of Reşiţa
  • Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy
  • Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Valahia University of Târgovişte
  • Constantin Brâncuși University
  • Petru Maior University of Târgu Mureş
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş
  • Theatre University of Târgu Mureş
  • Politehnica University of Timișoara
  • Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
  • West University of Timişoara
  • Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara

Listed Private Institutions and Universities in Romania

  • Tibiscus University of Timişoara
  • Mihai Eminescu University of Timişoara
  • Dimitrie Cantemir University of Târgu Mureş
  • Romanian-German University of Sibiu
  • Commercial Academy of Satu Mare
  • Constantin Brâncoveanu University
  • Partium Christian University
  • Emanuel University of Oradea
  • Agora University
  • Drăgan European University of Lugoj
  • Mihail Kogălniceanu University of Iaşi
  • Apollonia University
  • Petre Andrei University of Iaşi
  • Danubius University
  • Andrei Şaguna University of Constanţa
  • Sapientia University
  • Bogdan Vodă University of Cluj-Napoca
  • Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
  • Vasile Goldiş West University of Arad
  • George Bacovia University of Bacău
  • Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
  • George Bariţiu University of Braşov
  • Titu Maiorescu University
  • Nicolae Titulescu University
  • Romanian-American University
  • Hyperion University
  • Spiru Haret University
  • Bioterra University
  • Ecological University of Bucharest
  • Gheorghe Cristea Romanian University of Arts and Sciences
  • Athenaeum University
  • Artifex University
  • Roman Catholic Theological Institute of Bucharest


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