Have you ever encountered Biblical questions that make you think? We’ve compiled a collection of more than 50 questions about the bible that make you think; explore thought-provoking biblical questions to get you thinking critically and putting your biblical knowledge to the test.
Asking questions is the most effective technique to delve deeper into a field of study, discipline, idea, or even religion. If you’re weary of living on the surface or don’t feel at ease there, asking questions is the only way to break free and go into far deeper investigation.
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Questions are posed all over the place, and the Bible is no different; in fact, it is the most popular book with the most questions. Philosophers, scientists, and theologians regularly discuss it, generating more and more concerns about the Bible and, in most cases, casting doubt on its legitimacy.
So, questions aren’t simply restricted to the Bible if you want to apply your knowledge to anything, whether it’s a relationship, marriage, company, or anything else. Otherwise, you’ll be locked in one position unless you ask questions to proceed to the next level.
I’ve noticed that asking great questions can reveal important details in a study, cut through the haze to get to the heart of a problem, and change your perspective and life. Thought-provoking questions have been shown to be more effective in uncovering questions within questions, providing you with deeper depth.
I’m merely writing about thought-provoking biblical questions that make you think, in which not everyone can come up with such questions; this article will help you with that. It’s also for individuals who have hit a brick wall with biblical questions or are having a hard time coming up with questions.
This list will open your mind and allow you to examine a wide number of biblical questions that are meant to provoke your ideas. If you’re looking for biblical questions to ask during bible study, bible discussion groups, ice breaker discussion points, or other situations where a topic is required, you can use this article as a resource.
The truth is that the more you read the bible, the more questions you’ll have, and there’s nothing wrong with seeking answers to these concerns; you shouldn’t be frightened or embarrassed to do so.
Let’s move on to the bible questions that make you wonder if you would be able to find answers to them by accident.
Biblical Questions that Make You Think
The following are some thought-provoking biblical questions that make you think;
- In the bible, the law of God wasn’t given until the time of Moses, how then did Noah know what is clean/unclean and how did Cain and Abel learn about sacrifices?
- Why did God put the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden if he knew what was going to happen?
- Why will God send anyone to an eternal burning flame? Isn’t he, after all, the all-loving God?
- Why did God allow Satan, the devil, to exist?
- Is it safe to say God created evil, since he created Lucifer, the Satan?
- In Hosea chapter 13 verses 16 and Revelation 13 verses 15-18, God commanded his chosen people to kill babies and children. Why would an all-loving God command that?
- God is all-knowing and all-powerful how could Satan think he could have a revolt against someone like that?
- How could there be war in heaven when God already knows about it and could make it stop or not to happen at all?
- Why did God try to kill Moses right after sending him to free the Israelites from Egypt?
- God sent Moses to free the Israelites then hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so that he would not let the Israelites leave, making it necessary for God to send the plagues on Egyptians. Why did God choose to go through all that stress? Doesn’t that pretty much negate Pharaohs free will in the matter and punish the Egyptians because of it?
- Is everything truly in God’s power?
- Why did God not just forgive humans instead of sending his own son to be tormented and killed for the same people he wants to forgive?
- “God is everywhere” where was he when the serpent was tormenting Eve?
- God is all-knowing why then is he angered by any sin we commit since he supposedly knows?
- How can I trust that the people who wrote the or translated the bible got it right?
- What evidence is there that the plagues, flood, and other miracles really happened?
- Why are some books included in the bible and others aren’t?
- How did God part and entire sea for the Israelites?
- Does Jesus possess the nature of Adam after the fall or before the fall?
- Did Christ experience God’s wrath on the cross?
- Who resurrected Jesus? Did he resurrect himself?
- What put Jesus on the cross? Was it sin or God?
- What is this mystery of which the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians and Colossians?
- In the old testament, did the practice of animal sacrifices, circumcision, and feasts offer salvation?
- What is the seal of God vs the Mark of the beast?
- Can you sin and still make it to heaven?
- What is the best bible interpretation to use?
- Is there some role we have in impacting the timeline of Jesus’ return?
- How should be wait for the second coming of Jesus?
- In what year was the bible recorded?
- Did Jesus come to the world to deal with God’s wrath on man because of their sin or he come to take away sin?
- Where is Jesus now and what is he doing?
- Was there a time Jesus didn’t exist?
- As Christians, should we fight the fight of faith or fight the fight?
- What is the importance of tithes and offering?
- What is the importance of baptism when I’m still going to sin anyway?
- Does God remember forgiven sins?
- Is the bible full of errors and contradictions?
- What can we learn about politics from the bible?
- How did the Virgin Mary conceive by the Holy Spirit?
- Why is God so mean in the old testament?
- Why does Jesus need disciples?
- Can a wealthy person go to heaven?
- Was Adam’s sin the original or Satan’s?
- Aside Adam and Eve, did God create other people?
- When did Joseph, the father of Jesus, die?
- Did Jesus have any sibling?
- Is God male or female?
- Is Jesus really God?
- When did Mary, the mother of Jesus, die?
- Does God have a physical body?
Here are the biblical questions that make you think; you may have already considered some of them while discovering others for the first time. Here are some biblical questions to ask in a bible study discussion group if you don’t have any. You now have over forty of these at your disposal to use at different bible study gatherings.
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To wrap up on 50 questions about the bible that make you think
The above 50 questions about the bible that make you think are provocative, and if they were posed of to sensitive Christians, they could be offended or ashamed, but the reality is that these are questions that demand answers. So, don’t stop asking questions, exploring possibilities, or looking for solutions.
Finding answers to intriguing issues provides a great deal of happiness, and this joy isn’t restricted to biblical topics. It encompasses philosophical, scientific, and other fields veiled in secrecy.
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