Free Insurance Courses Online and Where to Apply

Last Updated on June 6, 2023 by Unwana Akpan

For information on where to study free insurance courses online, read on. The majority of these courses are offered by prestigious institutions and universities, although free courses almost never (if ever) provide college credit. Nonetheless, these ones offer free opportunities to study genuine college courses at your own pace, without the stress of tests or attendance.

Students do not need to formally enroll or register to take these courses; all they need to do is go to the URL and download the course materials. Special software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Windows Media Player, may be required to access course materials, and certain courses may involve readings from specialized textbooks.

Schools Offering Free Insurance Courses Online

1 Free Insurance Continuing Education Courses
Colorado Department of Higher Education

Financial literacy program called Money 101 offered by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, is designed to help all students better manage their funds. Through interactive online lectures on topics including money management, saving and investing, credit and debt management, budgeting, and taxes, this program teaches youngsters and their families the essentials of financial planning. These courses are free to all students, while workbooks and presentation materials are free to Colorado educators.

The Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association, the Insurance Information Institute, and the Council for Economic Education, the Colorado Financial Planning Association Through text and video classes, students can learn more about many types of insurance, such as life, health, automobile, and homeowner’s insurance.

Students can utilize this knowledge to make informed and smart decisions when acquiring an insurance coverage.

2 Yale University

Plenty of Yale University’s previous courses are now available for free on the internet. Although Open Yale Courses do not give college credit or certification, any students are invited to enroll in any of the arts, humanities, or sciences courses. Written transcripts and audio or video recordings of original lectures are included in each course.

The Financial Markets conferences examine insurance in relation to financial instruments and institutions. Risk management, behavioral finance, autonomy, banking, stocks, markets, property, and other risk concerns are covered in this course. The insurance lecture covers topics such as insurance concepts and industry regulation.

Students can participate in video conferences and access other online resources. Quizzes and answers are included in the course materials. This course requires the use of two textbooks: Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones, and Ferri’s The Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions (4th ed.). A list of additional required readings is provided with the course.

3 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Students interested in healthcare issues can access prior Johns Hopkins courses through the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health OpenCourseWare (JHSPH OCW) portal. Students do not need to be Johns Hopkins University students, and all courses and course materials are free and accessible at any time. All of the content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license, which allows them to be freely shared as long as proper attribution is given. Because the goal of JHSPH OCW is to create and distribute educational information, the courses here do not count for degree credit.

Managed care, ethical issues, risk, public policy, and financial issues are all covered in the 2007 course Managed Care and Health Insurance. The regulation and evaluation of insurance systems such as Medicare, Medicaid, and HMOs, as well as approaches for analyzing insurance program quality and accountability, are all explored. Students can see lecture notes in PDF format and answer discussion questions. Readings from Bartlett & Jones’s Essentials of Managed Health Care (4th edition), as well as lists of additional journal articles and other readings with links, will be assigned to students.

4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Free Insurance Course Online

In addition, MIT OpenCourseWare offers a huge number of free courses based on MIT’s most popular previous offerings. Despite the fact that you will not obtain academic credit for these courses, you are free to take as many as you want, at your own pace, with full access to all course materials (such as lectures, readings, assignments, and quizzes).

Microeconomic Theory and Public Policy was introduced in the Fall of 2006 and is geared toward upperclassmen and graduate students. This economics course examines how microeconomic models are used in risk management and health insurance, as well as how microeconomics and public policy intersect.

Lecture notes in PDF format, as well as recitation slides, homework, and teacher insights, are all included in the course. Each class has its own set of required and recommended readings, as well as links to them. Additional required textbooks for this course include Intermediate Microeconomics: A Tool-Building Approach by S. Banerjee (1st edition) and Mastering ‘Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect by J. Angrist and J. Pischke. You should have a basic understanding of microeconomic fundamentals before enrolling in this course.

The graduate-level course Public Economics II began in the spring of 2004. Its training focuses on government spending and charitable organizations’ and government agencies’ public services. It also looks at the theories and mechanics of social insurance programs like Social Security, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, health insurance, and disability insurance. This course provides an extensive list of recommended readings and textbooks, including A. Auerbach and M. Feldstein’s Handbook of Public Economics, despite the lack of lecture notes (Vols. 1, 2 and 3). Three assignments and a final exam are included in the course materials.

An undergraduate course named Public Finance and Public Policy was offered in the fall of 2010. Basic microeconomic ideas will be applied to government policies and programs such as Social Security, unemployment insurance, and health insurance by students. The differences between private health insurance and government-run plans are the topic of this course. In order to follow up with the recommended readings, students must first purchase J. Gruber’s Public Finance and Public Policy. There are also PDF versions of the recitation slides, problem sets, and test questions with answers.

5 The Institutes Free Insurance Courses Online

The Institutes, or the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, can help risk management professionals or those interested in starting a career in the insurance industry. The Institutes provide two online ethics courses for homeowners and other insurance businesses, as well as anybody interested in learning more about the ethical principles that govern the industry. Both courses are available for free or for a nominal fee of $5.50 to anyone who wants to use them for CE credit.

The Insurance Professionals Ethical Guidelines include real-world challenges and incidents that professional insurers of all levels may encounter in the course of their employment. The lecture emphasizes the need of upholding ethical norms and duties by the insurer, policyholders, and the general public. Students learn how to make ethical decisions in normal corporate situations such as conflicts of interest, privacy breaches, and difficulties.

The CPCU’s Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct is similar to the preceding course, but it is geared only at institutes seeking to acquire (or wish to earn) the designation of Chartered Benefit Assessor (CPCU). It is mandatory for everybody who receives a CPCU to complete this course since it covers CPCU behavioral regulations and rules. However, CE loans or simply personal enrichment may be accepted as well.

6 The Open University Free Online Insurance Course

You can study at a university and earn an Open University degree no matter where you are or what your schedule is like. Furthermore, the Open University now offers over 900 free online courses through its OpenLearn program. There are no prerequisites or university admission requirements for OpenLearn sessions. They are completely self-sufficient and have no time restraints. While you will not obtain a degree for completing them, you will receive a participation statement.

The Managing My Money course on OpenLearn is an introductory level course that takes about 24 hours to complete and includes tests and activities. It includes a complete chapter on insurance and risk management, in addition to a wide range of issues relating to home finances, such as budgeting, taxes, savings and debt, pensions, and more. Learn about the many types of insurance, when you might need it and when you don’t, and how to select the best optional insurance plans for you and your family. You won’t need to purchase any more materials or books to complete this course because it already has everything you’ll need.

So that’s it on free insurance courses online and where to apply; which one best appeals to you? Don’t hesitate to apply!

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