Top 10 Free Online Courses with Printable Certificates

We have top 10 free online courses with printable certificates and qualifications that you can take part in and be certified at the end. The certificate can be used to enhance your CV or to apply and secure jobs or get a promotion in your workplace either in your home country or abroad.

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About Online Courses With Printable Certificates

Online courses give you the flexibility of doing whatever you want to be doing where ever you want to be doing it while also studying online of which in the end you will get a certificate for the course.

Its obvious, not everybody likes online courses. People have varying reasons why they would or would not want to partake in online courses but however it be, for the sake of those who like online courses, we will provide every necessary information and update our website regularly on available scholarships for online courses whenever we learn about them.

Though these courses are called online courses, but, the fact that they are online does not deny the reality that they are still very valuable and certificates obtained after an online course are considered relevant too.

In fact, online programs are the easiest ways you can receive certificates from reputable universities abroad while sitting in the comfort of your home. Some of them are far cheaper compared to what it may cost you to travel to that country to get the same certificate.

These courses offer bachelor degrees just as every other student who had gone to a university for the course would have it.

Canada being a country of major interest by international students also offers online courses with certificates and you can partake in these courses either from Canada or from the comfort of wherever you choose to stay outside Canada.

All you need is to ensure you come online to join others whenever there is to be any collective interactive class.

There are the Unicaf scholarships majorly for Nigerians which support international students who want to undertake degree courses either online or offline. These scholarships in some cases take care of about 70% of scholars’ school fees and it has helped many international students to study abroad.

I hope this information helps you better as a fan of online programs with valuable recognized certificates.

Going further, below are free online courses with printable certificates for international students. You can take part in any of these programs for free as you have the option to decide on whether to be given a certificate at the end or not.

NOTE: Some of the courses are free but to obtain a certificate after the course, you may be required to pay a token. Though the certificate matters, the knowledge in some cases may even matter more.

Free Online Courses With Printable Certificates

If you are looking for free online courses with qualifications that can be printed in the form of certificates, these courses reviewed below are a good start for your search.

1. Human Resources Management Capstone with Printable Certificates

The Human Resources Management Capstone free online course is offered on the Coursera platform which is one of the most popular online learning platforms in the world.

The course would help you learn how to manage the human resource of any company and the certificate will improve your chances of landing a human resource job which is one of the most coveted jobs in some companies.

The Human Resources Management Capstone free online course is in English and demands that participants understand the English Language. There will be an optional paid printable certificate available at the end of the program.

2. Introduction To Game Development Online Course with Printable Certificates

This is one of the free online courses with a printable certificate offered on the edX platform.

It needs about 6 to 9 hours weekly commitment and a certificate is issued at the end of the program. It teaches the basic concept of game design and programming and prepares participants to take up their own space on the internet on programming games.

If you want a platform where you can learn how to develop android game programs for free, then you should apply for this.

3. Web Development Free Online Course with Printable Certificates

This free online course with a printable certificate for participants is offered on the edX platform for international participants.

This is to say you will be learning the program alongside other participants from different countries of the world. This web development course will teach you all you need to know about codes (Python and JavaScript) and website designing.

You will learn about APIs, HTML, QSL, CSS, etc. at the end of the program and you can print your certificate in hardcopy after it has been presented to you.

4. Mobile App Development Free Online Course with Printable Certificates

By the end of this course, you will be tasked to design your own app running fully. The course is offered on the edX platform and a printable certificate is obtained at the end.

This free course will teach you everything you need to know about mobile app development and it is expected to last for a period of 13 weeks with not less than 6 hours weekly commitment.

5. Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Online Course with Printable Certificates

If you read a business course at the university, this will be a plus to your CV.

The course comes with a verified printable certificate. This free online entrepreneurship course with printable certificates is expected to last for a period of 6 weeks with not less 3 hours weekly commitment.

6. Principles of Marketing Free Online

If you are a digital marketer or your are interested in any form of marketing or looking for a job in the field of marketing, this free online digital marketing course with a printable certificate will be very useful to you.

7. IT Project Management Free Online Course with Printable Certificates

This free online course covers project management in the context of IT projects, including software projects.

The course covers various aspects pertaining to (i) project initiation, (ii) project planning and scheduling, (iii) project monitoring and control, and (iv) project termination.

8. Introduction to Corporate Finance Online Course with Printable Certificates

At the end of this free online course on corporate finance, you will gain skills in Discounted Cash Flow, Decision-Making, Corporate Finance and Cash Flow Analysis.

It is a free online course with a printable certificate that is also shareable on LinkedIn. It is offered by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States and the certificate you obtain at the end is issued by this university.

9. Fundamentals of Graphic Design Free Online Course With Certificate

The course is offered online for free by the California Institute of the Arts and it is expected to take you a maximum of just 5 weeks to complete and obtain your certificate from the institute.

The course will enhance you with skills in Creativity, Graphics, Design Theory and Color Theory.

10. Visual Elements of User Interface Design Online Course With Certificate

This is an extension of the Fundamentals of Graphic Design. It is offered by the same institute and would take about 4 weeks to complete.

At the end of this course, you will gain skills in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign.

To Conclude

All these free online courses with printable certificates here are offered by reputable international universities and educational institutes and the certificates you get at the end of these courses are directly from these universities though some of the courses offer certificates at a fee.

These courses may be free but they are very useful in the areas for which they were created. If you pay attention to the lessons, do your assignments, follow all recommendations, you could be an expert in the selected field.

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About Unwana Akpan

The author is a google certified online publisher and marketer, great researcher, writer and a graduate of Applied Chemistry; she writes blog articles & manage blogs too. Our passion at Study Eagles is helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities.

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