Full Review of Free University of Berlin, Germany

Last Updated on April 23, 2022 by Unwana Akpan

A full review of the Free University of Berlin taking into consideration tuition fees, cost of living in Berlin, programs offered, admission requirements and how to apply for admission. 

About Free University of Berlin

It is a research institution located in Berlin, Germany. The university comprises of 15 departments and some institutes with over 150 degree programs in different fields of studies.

Free university of Berlin offers a wide range of English-taught programs to international students who prefer to study in Germany in English.

About German Schools

Free University Berlin 1

A lot of international students prefer to study in Germany as when Europe cross their minds. They apply to various institutions to study a program of their choice. German degrees are more likely to be competitive with those of UK, USA or Canada.

University of Berlin Admission Requirements for International Students and How to Apply

Undergraduate Programs

University of Berlin has many undergraduate programs that comes with at least one other module. In order to secure admission, you need to apply for the main program and the module(s). You have to be sure of application deadlines for both so that you do not miss out on one as that will disqualify your application for a combination program automatically.

Read my admission requirements guide to studying abroad; but I encourage you to find out your specific department requirements for your program of choice before applying for admission. Find out initially if you stand a chance of being admitted in the first place.

Application for Admission is Done Through Uni-assist

As an international student, if your previous qualifications was not gotten in Germany, Free University of Berlin demands that you apply to their programs via Uni-assist platform. Uni-assist will review your application and submit to the school go final selection.

You have to pay screening or application fee of about 50 to 100 Euros depending on their terms. They cannot examine your application for free. So once uni-assist gets your payment, screening is done.

Language Requirements in Germany

You have to proof that you can study efficiently with your chosen language of study. If it is English, TOEFL or IELTS is accepted.

If your previous studies was done in the chosen language, you can get written attestation letter from your school’s registrar or communication officer. Some universities in Germany may not still accept this; why not find out where to study abroad without IELTS or TOEFL.

Admission Requirements for Graduate Programs

Apply to your graduate program through uni-assist. You have the option to choose maximum of two preferred study programs. After application, make payment for screening and wait to be contact about the offer. Payment is non-refundable even when you are not offered admission. Whether it is graduate or Bachelor programs, they maintain the same policy.

You will post the following documents to them including completed application form;

  • You will send some documents to them by post office.  Find out required documents from the school’s website. If they allow you to send via email, you are lucky, just find out from uni-assist.
  • International prospective students from Mongolia, China or Vietnam must submit original certificates form academic evaluation center in their countries. coming from China, Mongolia or Vietnam have to submit the original certification from an Academic Evaluation Centre in addition to the required documents.



Documents requiredConditions
graduation certificatewith a final grade
official transcript of gradeswith a final CGPA
Transcript of Masters program with certificate of enrollment from Free University of Berlinthis is required for higher subject-specific semesters
Recent certificate of enrollmentif you have been admitted before in Germany after your first degree, they will need a proof
Translation of documents not written in German or Englishyou have to submit a translation of the certificate
proof of English language proficiencyif your school requires it
you can still proof other languageswhere needed
enough knowledge about German languageif needed
additional skills acquiredyour work experience can give you a boost during screen in if you have any

Note; There are documents specific to your program you need to upload online, see your program webpage to details. There is a link below.

Duration of Processing Period

It can take anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks for them to get it over and done with. It lies within you too, you need to pay before assessment can commence. Submit your application early enough.

If documents miss, they will be able to inform you on time and you will do something about it before deadline comes.

They will give you confirmation letter which you will use to apply for a student visa. It can even be a schengen visa if you want.

Tuition and Fees


Review of Free Universities in Berlin with Links to Official Websites

Free University of Berlin Fees

Except for very few specific graduate and undergraduate programs, universities in Germany do not charge tuition fee, so feel free to study for free in Germany.

Free university of Berlin offers free tuition programs in diverse fields. Find out if your program is among. All students must still pay a semester fee and other students’ charges.

See breakdown below; 

It could be higher or lower depending on fee structure per semester.

  • 50.00 €  re-registration fee
  • 54.09 €  student union charge
  • 8.70 €  including a 7.50 € contribution to the student union and 1.20 € to the semester ticket office
  • 198.80 €  for transportation ticket
Note; if you fail to pay charges on time, you may face a fine of 19.94 € for late registration. 

Cost of Living in Berlin

Living in Berlin is still very cheap even when it is the capital of Germany. You must budget your money and spend wisely as a student so that you don’t run out of funds. You can budget about 650 to 700 Euros monthly.

Availability of Part-Time Job

You can work while studying in Germany for at most 90 days per session as a degree student with resident permit. You can tutor in the school or work outside.

If you are under any scholarship, it is not permitted.

Free University of Berlin Study Programs

Undergraduate Study Programs

These are programs that lead to acquiring first degree. It can also lead to the State exam in Germany or diploma depending on your course of study.

Bachelor programs that lead to Masters degree directly as you would have in other countries are not allowed in Germany.

If you want to know the undergraduate programs offered, please visit the school’s official website.

Graduate Study Programs

After your first degree, you can enroll to study a higher degree, this is known as masters. Masters degree in Germany last from 2 to 4 years depending on how you wish to shorten or prolong your studies. Some Masters programs require one to have a Bachelor degree with other certification(s) or you pass through a pathway program.

A doctoral program requires Masters certificate. As a doctoral student, you will have to work independently to implement findings that bases on previous work of past scientists or an entirely new invention from you.


Free University Of Berlin Graduate/Masters Programs

  • Applied Literary Studies – Contemporary Literature
  • Arabic Studies
  • Art History in a Global Context: Focus on Africa
  • Art History in a Global Context: Focus on East Asia
  • Art History in a Global Context: Focus on Europe and America
  • Biochemistry
  • Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Studies
  • Classical Archaeology
  • Classical Philologies
  • Computational Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Dance Studies
  • Dutch Studies in International Context
  • East European Studies
  • Economics
  • Educational Research
  • Egyptology
  • English Studies: Literature, Language, Culture
  • Film Studies
  • Finance, Accounting and Taxation
  • General and Comparative Literature
  • Geographical Development Studies
  • Geographical Environmental Research
  • Geological Sciences
  • German Literature: Focus on Medieval Literature
  • German Literature: Focus on Modern Literature
  • German as a Foreign Language: Teaching Culture
  • Global History
  • History
  • History and Cultures of Ancient Western Asia: Focus on
  • Archaeology of Ancient Western Asia
  • History and Cultures of the Ancient Near East: Focus on
  • Ancient Oriental Studies
  • Information Systems
  • Integrated Japanese Studies
  • Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World
  • Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies
  • Iranian Studies
  • Islamic Studies
  • Japanese Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • Korean Studies/East Asian Studies
  • Landscape Archaeology
  • Linguistics
  • Management & Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Media and Political Communication
  • Meteorology
  • Modern Greek Language and Literature
  • North American Studies
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Prehistoric Archaelology
  • Psychology: Focus on Clinical and Health Psychology
  • Psychology: Focus on Social, Occupational and Organizational
  • Psychology
  • Public Economics
  • Public History
  • Religious Studies
  • Romance Literatures
  • Semitic Studies
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
  • Sociology – European Societies
  • Theater Studies
  • Turkish Studies
  • Continuing education
  • China-Europe Executive Master of Business Marketing
  • EMBM-Executive Master of Business Marketing
  • Equine Medicine
  • European Studies
  • European and International Business, Competition, and
  • Regulatory Law
  • Futures Studies
  • School Development in Line with Teaching of Democratic
  • Principles and Social Skills
  • Visual and Media Anthropology


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