Free Online Bible Study Lessons for Everyone

Top Free Online Bible Study Lessons, you can read or download in pdf format. They are all free and for all ages and study groups.

Stay with us if you want a totally free online Bible study that;

  • takes you step-by-step through a specific Bible book
  • aids in deepening your comprehension of spiritual truths
  • your are excited when you discover the texts for yourself
  • offers a self-paced study option for both solo and group study
  • offers possibilities for you to apply God’s principles to your life
  • encourages you to think

You may do that and more with the aid of these free online Bible study lessons.

You can learn about the “Big Picture” of life by studying the Bible. The most significant questions in life have answers in the Bible. You discover the truth about our life on Earth as well as the realities about our eternal lives that come after our earthly ones. God has provided all the answers you need in the Bible.

Everyone has inquiries like, “What is the purpose of life?” or “What is the point of living?” also “What happens when I die?”

The Bible provides answers to all of these queries and more. By the way, reading the Bible makes life great and makes everything understandable.

Give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us in Christ every heavenly blessing available. 1:3 in Ephesians Holman Christian Standard Version of the Holy Bible, 2009. Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville.

Free Online Bible Study Lessons With A Purpose

It is not enough to just study. We ought to read the Bible with a goal in mind.

Consider these purposes;

Discover treasure in God’s Word, then bury it in your mind and heart. You should first study to gain a thorough understanding of the Bible. Despite not having a Bible in front of you, do some research to understand what it says. Learn so that you can bury the Word of God in your mind and heart.

Applying biblical concepts to your life begins with understanding them. Studying will also help you apply what you learn to your daily life. Then you can realize the potential God gave you.

Teach them what God says about them in the Bible. Finally, research so you may impart your knowledge to others and help them follow Jesus Christ as well.

These three objectives are crucial because achieving them will honor God. But did you realize that these free online Bible study classes have additional advantages?

Bible Study is Key to Understanding God

The key to comprehending God is to study the Bible. God made you, thus knowing and comprehending Him is the key to understanding who you are. He is aware of your needs. The Bible was both written by God for you and to you.

The Bible is a gift from God for our education. He assures us that it is successful and enlightens us as to His priorities. In addition, the Bible chastises us, corrects us, and shows us how to live morally upright lives before God (see II Timothy 2:16).

Bible Study is Your Investment in Your Eternal Future

There is no cost to you other than your time for these free online Bible study sessions, which are a ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s truly that simple: you study, you find the solutions. Your benefits may endure past your lifetime. Of course, the best part is that throughout your time on earth, you can start to benefit right now.

According to Jesus, we will be blessed if we hear and obey God’s Word (see Luke 11:28).

When you accept God’s Word as true, you will change. You will perceive yourself as God does. By the way, God loves you and desires for His book—the book He wrote for you—to change you. God, in other words, wants you to become “Biblefied.”

Have it in Mind

Will you have all the answers to the questions you have when studying? No, it needs patience and careful research. To build understanding, one must be committed. The free online Bible study sessions on this website can help you with that.

We offer you systematic daily courses, for instance, in our Bible studies of the Genesis Book, the Book of James, the Book of Philippians, the Book of Colossians, and the Gospel of John.

For certain of the studies, we offer to email you the daily study questions every day. These Bible studies follow a pattern that offers daily discussion questions that are perfect for small groups.

Our Latest Free Online Bible Study Lessons and Future Plans

Although we hope it could all be completed fast, we intend to add additional studies and lessons. However, the creation and setup necessary for uploading requires a lot of time.

Our entire study has been redesigned, and we anticipate upgrading it soon. For your benefit, we are examining and upgrading each of our pages and all of our Bible studies. By the way, we have another topic on Bible studies – free bible study lessons for adults.

Life’s Greatest Question

We learn from our Bible studies that God created the human race, as well as everything else. Only God, who created us, can give an explanation for why He did so. No one except God can explain our existence. The most important question in life—why are we here?—can only be answered by God.

So how can you discover who God intended for you to be? The Bible is how God has communicated with us. He did it for our benefit.

learn more about Him, the purpose for which He created us, and who He intended for each of us to be.
I want to ask you something very crucial before we continue.

Who Do You Think You Are?

I don’t know you, but we frequently ask this inquiry in jest in response to someone’s alleged actions or attitude. This is a really crucial question, which is why I’m asking it of you. Don’t you think it’s necessary that we ask this? If you don’t, what do you think is more crucial than understanding who you are?

People who experience amnesia and lose their identity are frequently the subject of literature and motion pictures. They become upset and perplexed as a result of not knowing who they are. They are travelling aimlessly and without a sense of identity. As they embark on their road of self-discovery and healing, the reader or viewer, who frequently knows who they are, watches vicariously. At the conclusion, they frequently run across a familiar face who gleefully assists them in rediscovering the truth of who they truly are.

Understanding who you are can help you determine where you “belong” or how you “fit in” in the society we live in. Our mental wellness depends on knowing who we are. People with mental health issues may think they are someone they are not, which makes them a danger to themselves or others. And isn’t that the exact opposite of where we want to be? With regard to both ourselves and other people, we wish to be un-dangerously healthy.

What do you think of yourself, I ask you once more? This is a question you can only answer for yourself. Others can’t respond to this query, but they will undoubtedly have an impact on your response. Your response may be influenced by others or by certain people, who may mould it. But only you have the authority and responsibility to respond to yourself. This is a question that others might ask you, but you should be the first one to ask it of yourself.

So how do you respond to this crucial query? Is your response your name, the names of your parents, your address, the type of work you do, etc.? Your profession, field of study, accolades, status, or position in an organization may all be factors in your response. Perhaps you believe that your identity is based on your home, your wardrobe, your automobile, or your money account.

Answers can be found by looking up ancestral records, but it belongs to your relatives, not to you. Of course, your family members have a significant role in determining who you are. You usually share your parents’ last name or surname in addition to the first name they give you. Our names are frequently the first thing people notice about us. I only mention this because we utilize our names as our distinctive identifiers when we present ourselves. We will provide our names, positions, and contact information in a professional atmosphere, but our name is the most important thing.

Some people have started coming up with incredibly original or clever-sounding names. Others take a more conventional approach and give their sons traditional names like “Jr” or “III” after themselves or perhaps their fathers. Do our names, however, actually sum up who we are? It’s possible for me to develop a reputation tied to my name, share a name with a famous person or become famous myself, but such things don’t actually sum up who I am. So, other than our names, what exactly makes us who we are?

When attempting to answer the crucial issue of who you are, a number of elements come into play. That is who you truly are, not who you believe yourself to be.

Check out these other Bible study posts

Free Online Bible Study Lessons – Why God Created Us

Study the Bible!

The Bible says that God made us for his glory (Ephesians 1:11–12; Isaiah 43:7). According to God’s Word, this is the only reason for being for everyone. We must live by God’s rules since He created us for His glory. To be who our Creator intended us to be, we must live in accordance with His wishes.

Unfortunately, we frequently live our lives in order to glorify ourselves, and that is wrong. God did not make us to be like that. We must submit to God and live as He intended—for His glory.

You might question, “So how do we do that?” Continue reading; the end is near.

Be Who God Created You to Be

According to the Bible (see Genesis 1:26), God made people in his likeness. God created everything in the cosmos, but he gave men and women certain distinctions. We are created in God’s likeness. We can have a special relationship with God because both men and women were created in the image of God.

God created men and women to be like Him!

God made us in His image, thus it is important for us to have a thorough understanding of who He is. For followers of Christ, understanding God and who He created us to be should be a daily pursuit.

Even though we will never fully understand God, if we are sincere in our desire to know Him, He will reveal Himself to us when we read the Bible. In order to help you get to know God better and become more like Him, we offer you these Bible study sessions.

Life’s Instruction Manual

The only book that God uses is the Bible.

  • to teach us about His ways
  • chasten us when we disobey His commands
  • give us advice on how to make amends

The Bible goes on to explain this further by informing us that its aim is to equip and prepare those who follow Jesus Christ for good deeds (2 Timothy 3:16–17).

We exclusively offer these Bible study sessions in order to increase your understanding of God and His purposes for you. Essentially, we want to assist you in being Biblefied.

These Free Online Bible Study Lessons are Designed for Weekly Group Discussion

Our structure is built on the notion that every disciple of Christ has been born again, has the Spirit of the Living God within them, and has knowledge that is instructive to other believers. It is extremely beneficial to engage in alone Bible study followed by a weekly fellowship centered on a discussion of a Bible study lesson. It cultivates steadfast spiritual allies and can significantly aid in your understanding of God and the unique person He made you to be.

Daily Study Questions

Use these Bible study questions when you study alone, in a small group, or with a partner. Every week, they walk you through a different chapter of the Bible. For five days, the format offers you two daily questions for Bible study. Sometimes a day will only have one question, while other times a day may have three questions; Proverbs 8:17.

Why Use this Format for Free Online Bible Study Lessons?

Leaders of small groups that employ this style report success. Members of the group get the chance to share what the Holy Spirit has taught them when they discuss the daily study topics. Additionally, while they respond to the inquiries, they consider how they may impart their knowledge to the group as a whole.

Sharing their enthusiasm for what the Holy Spirit is doing in their life and what God is teaching them is powerful and infectious. By the way, if everyone in the small group is a born-again Christian, then everyone is a prospective teacher with something insightful to say.

This structure is an effective way to study the Bible since it;

  • allows you to focus your daily study on a certain Bible chapter for a period of five days and
  • prepares you to anticipate sharing what you’ve learned with other Christ believers.
  • gives students the chance to learn with a partner or more experienced student and
  • enables them to appreciate the insights offered by other Christ followers on a deeper level.

How to Lead Bible Study Lessons

If you want to run a discussion group with this structure, we advise you to follow these recommendations to get ready to teach the Bible study lessons;

Before the meeting

  • First, spend the previous week praying and studying the content yourself.
  • Read the chapter that will be discussed aloud as often as you can.
  • Respond to all of the questions in writing before the meeting (particularly the personal ones because the leader should frequently speak first to inspire others to participate).
  • If at all possible, schedule meetings on a weekly basis at the same time and place with sufficient notice. Give each weekly meeting an hour to an hour and a half.
  • A partner who will assist you in leading the group and preparing for the meetings is something to think about. Each week, that meeting should likewise take place, ideally at the same time and location. You and your partner should prepare for the meeting by praying for the group and talking about your finished work before the meeting.

During the Meeting

  • Always begin and end your sessions in prayer. Request that God make Himself known.
  • Try to formulate your inquiries in a way that prevents them from being closed-ended (i.e., only accepting a yes-or-no response)
  • Be ready to cope with someone who constantly wants to respond first or who provides in-depth responses to all queries.
  • If necessary, correct any incorrect responses at the following meeting.
  • Any responses that go against the Bible should be refuted using the Bible.
  • Before the meeting ends, recap the session’s important topics and give a brief preview of the following lesson, if time permits.
  • To get the meeting started, think of a “ice-breaker” or testimonial.
  • For those who might be shy, always be prepared to respond to the personal application questions first.
  • Be patient and never ask someone to respond to a question until you are certain that they want to.
  • You’ll never know every solution. It is acceptable and honorable to respond, “I don’t know.”
  • Always end the meeting with prayer, the next assignment, and the location and time of the next meeting. Always be ready to “table” a point for additional investigation if necessary.

Between Meetings

Make contact with everyone who was intended to attend the prior meeting but did not. Give them information about the upcoming task and meeting. Pay attention to their needs and offer up a prayer for them, especially for those that may have led them to miss the meeting.

Depending on the organization, you can think about getting in touch with every member during the workweek to congratulate them and remind them of the upcoming meeting.

Free Online Bible Study Lessons – Your Spiritual Partner (Holy Ghost)

Pray and act in faith if you’re anxious about leading Bible study sessions. If your intentions are pure, God can utilize your efforts to glorify Himself. You don’t have to be an expert; none of us is.

Just assist people in understanding God and the person He has called them to be for His glory. It’s crucial to keep in mind that God has given the Holy Spirit to Christ-followers in order to aid in their understanding of His Sacred Word. If you were born again, you are included.

God and His Holy Spirit work in tandem with you.

To Conclude on Free Online Bible Study Lessons

We value your tolerance. We also value any suggestions you may have for how we may make the Bible study lessons more user-friendly. By the way, this is what we think.

Please join us in praying that God’s glory would be shown through the sharing of these free online Bible study sessions to the people that God loves throughout the world.

Please pray for the work of missionaries all around the world, for the salvation of the unsaved, and for the success of this and other websites that offer free information to anyone seeking God. God wants all people to know Him and be saved. (See 1 Timothy 2:4).

Man Jump in for Joy

Jump right in; it might change your life forever!

The Gospel of John would be a wonderful place to start, or you might want to look at the Book of Genesis.

Check back often for updates on Free Online Bible Study Lessons

As you read God’s Holy Word, may God bless you and we pray that our free online Bible study website will also be a blessing to you.

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About Unwana Akpan

The author is a google certified online publisher and marketer, great researcher, writer and a graduate of Applied Chemistry; she writes blog articles & manage blogs too. Our passion at Study Eagles is helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities.

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